I am pleased to announce that I got a text message from Barclays today that they have accepted our appointment of Barclays as our bankers for Try A Million Land Management.
My goal of building a £100 million per year organisations has come a little further today. Though there is no certainty until we raise funds for Try A Million Land Management’s – Land Acquisition Fund and make our first purchases, it is a step closer toward that goal.
Previously, I managed to have a look at one of Richard Bransons organisations and had seen £500 million in sales for the year on their accounts. Companies like Apple, Amazon, Walmart, and Google with 100’s of billions of dollars of sales per year. It amazes me to think that all that happens through their bank accounts.
Though sales represent impact and reach, it is amazing to consider that all this happens in something as simple, yet vital as a bank account. I look forward to raising the £10 million to £12 million in funding to start our first acquisitions and developments.
I am excited to welcome all our partners to be a part of an amazing organisation that is Try A Million and its various brands as we continue our journey in building World class organisations.
Create a great day,
Lord Kozan