Try A Million Land Management Appointment Of Bankers Success

I am pleased to announce that I got a text message from Barclays today that they have accepted our appointment of Barclays as our bankers for Try A Million Land Management.

My goal of building a £100 million per year organisations has come a little further today. Though there is no certainty until we raise funds for Try A Million Land Management’s – Land Acquisition Fund and make our first purchases, it is a step closer toward that goal.


Generation X Magazine And Try A Million Land Management

I know we haven’t covered about the new company we have formed Try A Million Land Management, but details will follow on the Try A Million site.

Learning New Industries And Developing New Industries seems to come natural to me!

When I started Generation X Magazine I was 17 and we had agreements for 50,000 copies every fortnight in 1998, thanks to our distributors. We didn’t get to raising funding stage.
