Appointment And Meeting With Bankers For Try A Million Land Management

I had the pleasure of meeting with Barclays bank here in the UK yesterday as Try A Million Land Management had appointed Barclays to be our bankers as part of a board resolution decision.

The meeting went well, and we covered details of the problems of overpopulation and the importance of us developing large lands to provide 3 human essentials, jobs, food, and places to live.

We completed all needed paperwork and now await Barclays to go through and open Try A Million Land Management’s account.

We have been told that usually this process takes 5 days but due to the higher risk due to dealing with real estate, this process could take up to 10 days.

Once opened, we will be able to begin letting investors know our account details for provision of loans, funding, etc.


Create a great day,

Lord Kozan



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