New Notebook Has Arrived

Though my life has been digital mostly for some time with TAM being a Cloud Based Global Digital Company, I have since 1997 and possibly before then used notebooks. They are an essential part of my day, from jotting down ideas to planning projects, though I have to admit Bliss++ Timer our new flagship Get It Done software has enabled the TAM company to make planning projects and making them happen, the notebook is still an essential.

Throughout the years, the notebook has enabled me to keep on top of what I needed to do and as always each one is an amazing place for me to go through the current projects working on at that time.

Though my journals are not really diaries, and it would be good to keep a diary, they still help piece together previous projects which I have worked on.

The notebook is a free zone to become creative and hone where you are headed and make it a possibility.

So, for 2017 at the start, after looking at my old notebook, and trying to right in the spaces left, it was time to get a new notebook.

As always, I look forward to this notebook being the one where we achieve our goals, and that can only happen when we help you achieve yours!

Do you keep notebooks? How are you using yours? Let me know in the comments!

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