When we turn from making the goals the primary focus to the wholesome destination, we find that many goals spring up from it, and that is the correct place to start from. Once we have the direction we need to head in, we find that a journey is in front of us, like climbing the steps up a hill or a mountain. As you look upon the peak of your destination, the journey is more important than the destination.
Malcolm Forbes once said a good island is not easy to find.
Destinations must be found and that is the journey. Where society generally will seek destinations in an easier fashion, a good destination is a journey that contains its smooth roads, challenges and obstacles we must surmount.
I remember someone once said choose your rut carefully, you will be walking it for the next 10 miles. And this is such an important point to keep in mind.
The journey to get to the destination is one that we have to be passionate about, and want to do to be able to get to its peak, the full realization of why we have started the endeavors in the first place.
As you walk, run or drive, fly or sail on this journey, you will find that the process of getting from where you are to where you want to get to is a journey. Many people hope that the lotteries will make getting to destination a sort of Aladdin magic lamp whereby they can cut out the journey, but that journey itself is life.
The revelation of your day, that journey you take with all its goals needed for its accomplishment is what brings about the memories of the journey to get there. This is the correct place to get excited about. When you can take the steps and make progress.
I like to think of destinations like a hill or mountain as these are things that people do not generally travel, and shows a unique destination. In my book series – Thoth’s Book of Life Universe, the Promised Land is a an important principle within that series. Watching people on the hill or mountain we find that some look, and some start the journey, some climb and some forget themselves on the journey, pitch their tents and stay at that point permanently.
For the ones going forward to the destination, we find that upon completion of that journey, it can be tough, especially with a life goal. Once you achieved such a high state, where to next?
Now you have to start living the fruits of that destination. Here is where many people fail. They seek the destination without actually wanting to walk it and so lotteries are a good indicator of peoples hope, instead of trust and faith. Then we find some constantly pushing the journey further out, rather than moving forward to destination and bringing it here. Ultimately your work is getting to the destination.
I have to admit the name of this article came about from a specific need. Having gone onto Twitter, I found Former President Barack Obama followed my life coaching account. Of which I was truly amazed, and also knew that I had to put something that would be valid for what he had just climbed to.
You see, just as we climb the mountain to its peak, we also find that the only way is down. It is here that we need to make new peaks to climb to.
The journey is important, but we don’t want to make the journey longer than we need to, in fact we should seek it to be easier, quicker but still with all the essentials to be able to stand on the peak.
Once there, especially in the case of Former President Barack Obama, we need to find new destinations and journeys to begin.