It has been just over 1 year I sought the governments assistance in helping me move, due to issues at home and also decades running online businesses and the issues that have occurred. My first move out my parents was worsened being in the balkans vs my fellow country people at a time when everyone is in group celebration.
Try A Million Sounds Surpasses 1 Million Streams
I am pleased to announce that since starting Try A Million Sounds at Try A Million, in the Try A Million Labs, our acts have surpassed 1 million streams online.
Currently totaling 1,111,271 streams from listeners (26/10/21) since releasing tracks through Try A Million Sounds.
Balance Your Goals – Balance Your Life
Balance your goals. There are many topics at any one time we can focus on, but our goals are one goal. Be sure to balance your goals. When you balance your goals, you balance your life. Prosperity may come, but prosperity without life. Life and living is what you seek.
July 2021 – 3 New Product Releases
I am pleased to announce that at Try A Million Labs we are releasing 3 new products this month.
2021 Million Standard
Today, we have set the Million Standard, and that standard stands at £100,000,000.00 GBP.
This standard represents to us what an actual millionaire is. As we are the Try A Million organization, this standard for us as the corporate entity for the million is £100,000,000.00 GBP per year.
Lord Kozan – Dictum Meum Packtum – My Word Is My Bond

Lord Kozan is a present part owner of The London Stock Exchange. With the seal and logo of Dictum Meum Packtum, my word is my bond.
At Try A Million I want to thank our Article Masters TM and Research Masters TM over the years for their efforts.
With many research methods, our teams at Try A Million – Article Masters TM provide the content with My Word Is My Bond.
Merry Christmas Post 2018

Merry Christmas!
We want to say a shout out to all our customers, clients, staff and partners for the Try A Million group past and present. This year has been a promising one at Try A Million.
This year 2018 has been an interesting one for progress both personally and at Try A Million.
Try A Million Land Management Appointment Of Bankers Success

I am pleased to announce that I got a text message from Barclays today that they have accepted our appointment of Barclays as our bankers for Try A Million Land Management.
My goal of building a £100 million per year organisations has come a little further today. Though there is no certainty until we raise funds for Try A Million Land Management’s – Land Acquisition Fund and make our first purchases, it is a step closer toward that goal.
Appointment And Meeting With Bankers For Try A Million Land Management

I had the pleasure of meeting with Barclays bank here in the UK yesterday as Try A Million Land Management had appointed Barclays to be our bankers as part of a board resolution decision.
The meeting went well, and we covered details of the problems of overpopulation and the importance of us developing large lands to provide 3 human essentials, jobs, food, and places to live.
Generation X Magazine And Try A Million Land Management

I know we haven’t covered about the new company we have formed Try A Million Land Management, but details will follow on the Try A Million site.
Learning New Industries And Developing New Industries seems to come natural to me!
When I started Generation X Magazine I was 17 and we had agreements for 50,000 copies every fortnight in 1998, thanks to our distributors. We didn’t get to raising funding stage.