I Have Become Lord Kozan!

In July 2018 I have had the pleasure of becoming Lord Kozan, and officially became Lord Kozan of Glencoe and Lord Kozan of Lochaber. At the time of this post, I now hold 3 titles.

Though my natural name still is Kozan Huseyin for a time, I may choose to officially change my name. Currently my preference is omitting the Huseyin part of my name and keeping Lord Kozan as my name.


There Is No Concrete In The Air Or Sea

The world we stand in was made by a dreamer. Everywhere you see the things we have, right from the screen you are reading this from, the clothes you wear, even the building you stand in. It all came from a dreamer, and if you are standing outside or in your car, the same still applies, the world we live in was made by dreamers.


The Journey Is More Important Than The Destination

When we turn from making the goals the primary focus to the wholesome destination, we find that many goals spring up from it, and that is the correct place to start from. Once we have the direction we need to head in, we find that a journey is in front of us, like climbing the steps up a hill or a  mountain. As you look upon the peak of your destination, the journey is more important than the destination.


New Notebook Has Arrived

Though my life has been digital mostly for some time with TAM being a Cloud Based Global Digital Company, I have since 1997 and possibly before then used notebooks. They are an essential part of my day, from jotting down ideas to planning projects, though I have to admit Bliss++ Timer our new flagship Get It Done software has enabled the TAM company to make planning projects and making them happen, the notebook is still an essential.
