I Have Become Lord Kozan!

In July 2018 I have had the pleasure of becoming Lord Kozan, and officially became Lord Kozan of Glencoe and Lord Kozan of Lochaber. At the time of this post, I now hold 3 titles.

Though my natural name still is Kozan Huseyin for a time, I may choose to officially change my name. Currently my preference is omitting the Huseyin part of my name and keeping Lord Kozan as my name.

I have begun the process of changing over social media and other places to Lord Kozan with new accounts. Old accounts will remain but won’t be updated. I have a new website for me going forward at www.LordKozan.space

This change for me is a profound one, and signifies a certain personal development aspect of self that has brought me here. It also signifies prestige, and opportunity to life coach and run Try A Million with a prestigious title and a unique name.

A press release will follow with further details but some things to remember regarding my title. It is an actual title. Non heredity title and a title under the Scottish system which in Scotland makes me a Laird with it’s direct English translation as Lord.

My estates and title is fully registered with Highland Titles.


One of the benefits of being a Scottish Lord is that I have tartans for the areas I have become a Lord in.

Take a look at them…


Lord Kozan of Glencoe tartan
Lord Kozan of Glencoe tartan


Lord Kozan of Lochaber
Lord Kozan of Lochaber tartan


I look forward to continue to grow the Try A Million company and please our investors, clients, staff, our readers and everyone connected with the company. I believe the prestigious corporate name that we are and title and name I now have will benefit all we look to accomplish.

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